Call Rep. Herrera Beutler’s Office |
Click here to find phone numbers for Rep. Herrera Beutler’s offices in Vancouver and Washington DC. When you place your call, be polite. Introduce yourself as one of Rep. Herrera Beutler’s constituents, and let the staffer on the other end of the line know where you live. Then, tell them you're calling to urge Rep. Herrera Beutler to support HR 824, the PRO Act, when it comes up for a vote. Here are some possible things to say during your call: “As a union member myself, I know what a difference being in a union makes to me and my family, and I want everyone to have the chance to join a union if they want to." "The PRO Act will help to combat income inequality in our community, by increasing wages and creating an economy that rewards hardworking people" "The PRO Act will protect workers by Closing Loopholes that Corporations Use to Exploit Workers."