There have been some troubling developments recently at Clark College.
The Clark College Board of Trustees recently contracted an accounting firm, Moss Adams, to conduct an audit of staffing and organizational structures within the college for efficiencies. The findings from Moss Adams result in outsourcing 90% of WPEA's union jobs - and keeping almost all the exempt (non-union) positions.
This is union busting.
Please sign this petition and send a message that our students and faculty need our support staff.
The Washington Public Employees Association is also asking the entire Clark County community to come out against these efforts, and stand with the WPEA classified staff at the college. They're asking us to let Clark College's Board of Trustees, College President Dr. Karin Edwards, and all members of the Executive Cabinet know that these are local people who live in our community, Clark County doesn’t want these jobs outsourced or the staff positions cut.
The Clark College Board of Trustees is meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 23rd at 5:00 PM. Please join WPEA members in solidarity, as they are the front line against the outsourcing and privatization of our community and technical colleges in Washington State, by testifying at the Board of Trustees meeting:
Link: Join the Clark College Board of Trustees Zoom meeting
Zoom meeting ID: 925 5133 3077
Passcode: 870532
Please note that Public Comment will be limited to two minutes per attendee. Comments can be shared in the following three ways:
- Send an email prior to the meeting to and it will be read during the public comment portion of the meeting.
- Write your comment in the Zoom chat box during the meeting and the host will read it during the public comment portion of the meeting.
- Use "raise hand" function under “participants” during the Zoom meeting and the host will call on you when it is your turn to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting.
For more information on actions planned in support of Clark County staff, contact
Sarah Thorsen
WPEA Chief Job Steward, Clark College