Take Action Now!
Shannon A. Myers
President – Southwest Washington Central Labor Council
Click here to take action now!
Many of us have grown tired over the last 2+ decades of seeing stalemates in our government, no work being done, and nothing being passed to better the lives for the working people of this great nation. It does not matter who is in office, politics have gotten so tribalized that some politicians on both sides of the aisle cannot see past political party and do what is right for us, The American People. It’s time to act! Voting rights, Build Back Better, and of course the PRO ACT… there is so much on the table right now and if we leave it there, we may never get it back.
To get things moving again for the working class, the AFL-CIO has asked us to push Nationally to Sideline the Filibuster. It shouldn’t be this hard to pass laws that help people. It should take a simple 50-vote majority, but an outdated procedure in the U.S. Senate called the filibuster is stopping us.
American democracy is under threat today. To save it, we need real democracy in the U.S. Senate. There are two bills in the Senate that expand voting rights: the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 and the Freedom to Vote Act.
They HAVEN’T passed these yet… because of the filibuster.
We need to PASS the Build Back Better Plan as there are so many benefits for working people. Educate yourself at https://www.whitehouse.gov/build-back-better/
They DIDN’T pass this… because of the filibuster.
Let’s not forget the labor movements TOP priority, The PRO ACT. https://aflcio.org/pro-act
They WON’T pass this… because of the filibuster.
The choice is clear:
Sideline the filibuster,
not the hopes, aspirations, and representation
of America’s people.
Please take part in the actions below over the next 2 days. And please make sure to share this with your Union Siblings, your neighbors and your friends. We can’t do this without working together in Solidarity.
Thank you for your Activism.
Shannon A. Myers
President – Southwest Washington Central Labor Council

ACTION: Over the next 2 days (Wednesday January 12 and 13th )
Time Commitment - 5 minutes (15 if you are creative and motivated!!)
Go to: https://sites.google.com/aflcio.org/sidelinethefilibuster/toolkit
- Sign the Petition: Click on the button and it will take you to a screen to add you name and information on the left side of the screen. Once you have filled out the requested info click add your name.
- It will give you the option to share on Facebook and other social media. I suggest doing it from here as it will give graphic/info/link about our cause and share the petition.
- Make a Sign: For those of you who TWEET!!! Get out your Pen, Paper, and creative Juices. Make a sign on 8x11 paper and take a selfie, Then Search for your Senators’ (Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell) Twitter Handles and tag their handle with your selfie and a message. There are examples of messages on the website toolkit.
- Be sure to share these photos with us at info@swwaclc.org so we can repost them on our social media.
- You can also post your selfie on your Facebook and Instagram.
- Share on social media: Share everyone’s posts you see about sidelining the Filibuster - and make some of your own, including your Sign above. You can use the graphics provided below and personalize your message.
Support working people and get work Done. Sideline the filibuster. |
Voting rights and the rights of workers (PRO ACT) are on the table. Don’t leave them there. Sideline the Filibuster |
- Record a Video: Use your phone or your webcam to make your voice HEARD! Make a video and upload it.
Make a Call!!! – The most important is saved for last: This is where we contact our Senators and make sure that they are on Board. Of course, Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell are champions of labor, so we do not need to see where they are voting but we need to encourage them to go out and fight to get things done.
- Click the make a call button on the Sideline The Filibuster page
- You will receive a call from a toll-free number – answer it
- You will hear a recording from AFL-CIO
- You will leave one message and then hit * key to get to your 2nd Senator
- It will then connect you to Senator Patty Murray
- You will hear VM Form Senator Patty Murray
- Press 3 to voice opinion about issue
- Leave a message
- Press *
- You will Hear VM from Senator Maria Cantwell’s office
- Leave a message
- You are DONE!
Sample Message:
Hello Senator _______,
My name is Shannon Myers, and I am President of the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council here in beautiful Vancouver, Washington. I am calling today to ask you to support Sidelining the Filibuster. We know where you stand on our issues but now, we need you to be a champion and fight to get rid of the filibuster so that we can get work done.
We need to pass Voting rights. There are two bills in the Senate that expand voting rights and they HAVEN’T passed yet because of the filibuster.
We need to PASS the Build Back Better Plan as there are so many benefits for working people.
It DIDN’T pass because of the filibuster.
And let’s not forget the labor movements TOP priority, The PRO ACT.
It WON’T pass because of the filibuster.
The American People loose with the Filibuster. So, let’s sideline it and get to work.
Thank you for all you have done for working people of Washington. We appreciate you Senator!
Please take a few minutes to follow these steps NOW and be sure to share this article with your friends, family, and all working people you know.
For the next two days (January 12 and 13, 2022) let’s show our elected officials how important it is for them to get things moving again for the middle class. Encourage them to SIDELINE THE FILIBUSTER!