Phone: (360) 818-1877
From the Council's President
Dear Executive Board, Delegates and Affiliates, my labor family, How do I write one of the hardest letters I have ever had to write? I guess I do it as I do most things, from the heart. Most of you know I am running for the Washington State Labor Council Secretary – Treasurer position and when I am elected would take office In January 2023.
To get things moving again for the working class, the AFL-CIO has asked us to push Nationally to Sideline the Filibuster. It shouldn’t be this hard to pass laws that help people. It should take a simple 50-vote majority, but an outdated procedure in the U.S. Senate called the filibuster is stopping us. Shannon A. Myers President – Southwest Washington Central Labor Council Click here to take action now! Many of us have grown tired over the last 2+ decades of seeing stalemates in our government, no work being done, and nothing being passed to better the lives for the working people of this great nation.
This action was slated to happen on June 3, 2020 and focus on the 5 essentials of restarting our economy while getting ALL workers back to work safely; but the event that happened on May 25, 2020 changed our world forever.
Download: 2020.05.28_cares2c_b_800x800.png
Dear SW Washington Central Labor Council Delegates By now you’ve received an email from the web site reminding you of the CLC’s regular meeting next Wednesday, April 1 at 6:00 pm.  You may be wondering, given the Governor’s order to stay at home, whether this meeting take place as scheduled.
Thank you to all our Sisters, Brothers, Siblings, Friends, Community members! The support that you have shown to the union members of Clark College Association for Higher Education (CCAHC) has made a difference! A Tentative Agreement has been reached and the members will reveiw and vote on it today! CONGRATS to the CCAHC members, your unity has proven that Solidarity Wins.
Good Afternoon Sisters, Brothers Siblings and Friends, The negotiations for the Clark College union are NOT going well. They are planning on striking Monday January 13th. Our sister Suzanne is asking for support, please see email below. Please show up when you can and let them know that you are there with your local and the Central Labor Council.
Good Afternoon Sisters, Brothers and Siblings, This time of year always has me reflecting on what and who I am thankful for. So I wanted to write this note to let all of you know that I am so thankful for each and every one of you and your activism in the labor movement here is Southwest Washington.
Download: Happy Holidays From SWWA CLC 2019.pdf
Greetings Sisters, Brothers, Siblings and Friends, Please find the attached invitation to the Holiday party. Please distribute and bring TOYS!!! In Solidarity, Shannon A.
Download: Happy Holidays From SWWA CLC 2019.pdf

Page Last Updated: Aug 14, 2022 (15:37:16)
Contact Info
Southwest Washington Central Labor Council
PO Box 61929
Vancouver, WA 98666-1929
  (360) 818-1877

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