It’s Up To YOU – Vote YES On Proposition 2 And Support Your Local Fire Fighters
Vancouver Fire Fighters from the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 452 are counting on You to join your union family at the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council (SWWCLC) in voting YES on Proposition No. 2 on February 8th.
Voting YES on Proposition No. 2 – Fire and Emergency Services and Facilities Levy Lid Lift – will help generate $15 million each year exclusively for fire and emergency services. Specifically, this levy will pay to:
- Replace two fire stations
- Hire and train more than 30 firefighters and paramedics – more union jobs!
- Replace aging, high-cost, high-maintenance vehicles
- Make necessary seismic upgrades to three additional fire stations
- Decrease response times across the city
What will this cost? While resulting in significant improvements to the working conditions of some of our city’s most courageous first responders, this proposition would increase the city’s regular property tax by just $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value.
If you live within Vancouver City limits, make sure to support union jobs and safer working conditions on February 8th by voting YES on Proposition No. 2.
Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters by the Clark County Elections Office on Jan. 21st, 2022 and should arrive no later than January 27th, 2022. Ballots must be deposited into an official ballot drop site by 8 pm on February 8th. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by February 8th.
More questions about voting? Go to or call 564-397-2345.