Phone: (360) 818-1877
Meet Our 2023 Labor-Endorsed Candidates
Updated On: Sep 19, 2023

The Southwest Washington Central Labor Council congratulates our 2023 endorsed candidates. Find out more about our Labor-endorsed candidates by clicking the images below. Make sure you're registered to vote, then get ready to go to work - subscribe to our web site (if you haven't already) and watch our Events Calendar for opportunities to support these great candidates for working families as we head towards the general election on November 7th!

2023 Endorsed Candidates

Sarah Fox

Sarah Fox for
Vancouver City Council

Kathy Decker

Kathy Decker for
Vancouver School Board
Position 4

Tracie Barrows

Tracie Barrows for
Vancouver School Board
Position 5

Brigid Taylor

Brigid Taylor for
Clark-Cowlitz Fire
Rescue Commissioner
Position 2

The Southwest Washington Central Labor Council represents over 15,000 union members in Clark, Skamania and west Klickitat Counties. The members that we represent could be Democrat, Independent or Republican. We represent all kinds of people with all kinds of political views. That is why our political process is very transparent and our questions are very specific to working family issues: wages, hours, and working conditions.

  1. Questionnaires are developed by the Political Committee and any delegates/unions with specific questions for positions.
  2. Final questionnaires are sent  to ALL candidates that have filled to run for office with an invitation to interview with our political committee.
  3. The Political Committee is made up of delegates from many different unions and open for all delegates to participate in
  4. Questions asked come from the delegates / unions of the CLC.
  5. Delegates not on the committee and rank and file Union members may attend interviews in observatory fashion.
  6. After Interviews, the Political Committee discusses and makes recommendations for endorsement and any financial contributions to the Delegates.
  7. All recommendations for endorsement and financial contributions are taken to the Monthly Delegate Meeting for a vote.
  8. Once the Delegates make a motion, 2nd the motion, and have discussion they then vote on the recommendations for endorsement and financial contributions.
  9. The Southwest Central Labor Council will then let the candidates know that they have the endorsement of the council.
  10. Individual unions still have their own endorsement processes. The endorsement is from the CLC.

Contact Info
Southwest Washington Central Labor Council
PO Box 61929
Vancouver, WA 98666-1929
  (360) 818-1877

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